Jumat, 18 November 2011



Narkoba or Drugs are drugs which are strictly prohibited by state or existence either by religion. Narkoba is a very dangerous additives. The use of this substance may cause effects of high fantasy, so giving rise to dependence on its users. Drugs have several types, such as:
1. Heroin
2. Shabu-shabu

3. Codein
4. Kokain

sychotropic drugs is actually commonly used to anesthetize the patient when they want surgery or drugs for certain diseases. But now the perception is misused as a result of which was beyond the limit dose, and sold freely on the market

Morphin in the ancient times is very popular painkiller used for war wounds.
Heroin is used as a pain-relieving drugs (pain killer).
In addition to morphine & heroin adalagi other types of cocaine (coca throxylor ery) derived from the coca plant which grows in Peru and Bolavia. Usually used to cure asthma and tuberculosis.

group based of effect, such as:

1. Hallucinogens, the effects of drugs could result if taken in certain doses so may cause someone to be her hallucinations by looking at some things / objects that are not there / not real example cocaine & LSD
Stimulants, the effects of drugs that can cause body organs work like the heart and brain working faster than usual, resulting in a person's work is more powerful for a while, and tend to make a user more happy and excited for a while.
Depressant, effects of drugs that can suppress the central nervous system and reduces the functional activity of the body, so the wearer feel calm even make users sleep and unconsciousness. For example putaw.
Addictive, Someone who is taking drugs will usually want and want again because of certain substances in the drug resulted in a person tends to be passive, because the drug indirectly decide the nerves in the brain, such as marijuana, heroin, putaw.

Effect of using Drugs:
1. Paralysis or numbness. People who use drugs will experience numbness of his name, so despite being hit or pinched as hard as any kind will not feel sick.
2. Reduce pain, relax and calm the nerves and makes sleep (depressant).
3. Stimulate the central nervous energy to increase (stimulation). People who use drugs usually increases energy so they do not feel tired even though a lot of activity.
4. Changing thoughts / feelings in order to feel the extraordinary (hallucinogens).
Usually they fantasize about strange things. Then they talk causing unreasonable.
5. Lowered immunity, blood poisoning, even death.

There are several ways that we can avoid drug abuse, Such as:
Clear thinking, intelligent and alert to the association which is sometimes very free. Thus we will menreti what positive and negative.
Started to train myself in every aspect of life. that way we will be drawn into a good impact.
Always taught the negative impact of drug use on our own before others.
Keep distance to the drug users.

Narkoba is a very dangerous additives. The use of this substance may cause effects of high fantasy, so giving rise to dependence on its users. If too long and had drug addiction then gradually in the body's organs will be damaged and if it exceeds the dose that users will eventually overdose and death



What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a food-making process that occurs in green plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The word photosynthesis means putting together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.

How is the light used in photosynthesis?

The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Each food-making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn form the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

What are the steps of photosynthesis process?

Let me tell you the process of photosynthesis, in a series of complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed to produced these compounds.

Sourches: http://bos-sulap.blogspot.com/2010/10/explanation-text-about-photosynthesis.html

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011


Once upon of yore in Central Java, there are two neighboring kingdoms, the Kingdom Baka and the Kingdom Pengging. Pengging is a fertile and prosperous kingdom, led by a wise king named Prabu Bandung Bandawasa, a gallant knight and powerful. While the kingdom led by King denawa (giant) a cruel cannibal named Prabu Baka. Prabu Baka has a very beautiful daughter named Rara Jonggrang. Prabu Baka eager to expand his empire and seize the kingdom Pengging. After proper preparation, Prabu Baka and his army invaded the kingdom Pengging. In the war prabu baka dead.

Bandung Bondowoso turns against the kingdom of Baka. Bandung Bondowoso Prince burst into the palace Baka. When first saw Princess Rara Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso instantly enamored, enchanted beauty princess incredible. It was also in love Bandung Bondowoso Rara Jonggrang and apply to become his wife. However, the princess rejected the ask, of course, because he refuses to marry her father's murderer and colonial country. Bandung Bondowoso continued to beg. Finally Rara Jonggrang willing Bandung Bondowoso married, but she only wanted to kill Bondowoso. She filed two conditions were impossible to be granted. The first condition was that he called the request made wells wells Jalatunda, the second requirement is to ask the princess Bandung Bondowoso build a thousand temples for her. Although the conditions were very heavy and impossible to be filled, but Bandung Bondowoso undertakes.

With his power Jalatunda well is done. Rara Jonggrang tried to kill Bondowoso by burying her alive in wells Jalatunda, but failed. For wells successfully completed the requirements to realize the second, the prince meditating and summon spirits, jinn, and demons of the earth. With the help of spirits is the prince successfully completed the 999 temple. When Rara Jonggrang heard that a thousand temple was almost finished, the princess tried to thwart Bandung Bondowoso task. He woke a lady's maid palace and village women to begin to pound rice. He then ordered the burning of straw on the east side. Figuring that morning has arrived and soon the sun will rise, the spirits running scared hiding back into the earth. As a result only 999 temples were built and Bandung Bondowoso has failed to meet the proposed requirements Rara Jonggrang.

When it learned that it is the result of fraud and deception Rara Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso is furious and cursed Rara Jonggrang into stone. Then the princess turned into a beautiful statue to fulfill the last temple.

### Sourches: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rara_Jonggrang with the necessary modifications

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Febri Wahyu D.A. XII Ipa3 / 12

Test 1


1. Mr. T tells us to close our notebooks.

- We are told to close our notebooks by Mr. T.

2. We must write this test in a piece of paper.

- This test must be written by us in a piece of paper.

3. I should not forget my name too.

- My name should not be forgotten too by me.

4. The students speak English during the English class.

- English is spoken by the students during the English class.

5. Did anyone ask any questions about me?

- Were any questions asked about me?

6. I cannot do this test during the time given.

- This test cannot be done by me during the time given.

7. We have been waiting for him all day long.

- He has been being waited for by us all day long.

8. Mr. Jack has invited you to lunch tomorrow.

- You have been invited by Mr. Jack to lunch tomorrow.

9. The students did not do the English test easily.

- The English test was not been done by the students easily.

10. Must you check the answer before you give it back?

- Must the answer be checked by you before you give it back?

11. We are doing the passive test in the Multimedia Room.

- The passive test is being done by us in the Multimedia Room.

12. Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?

- Would the remedial test be joined if you got bad mark again?


13. The white board has been cleaned by you

- You have cleaned the white board

14. The interview will be done in this room by us

- We will do the interview in this room

15. English was being studied diligently last night

- They were studying English diligently last night

16. This test must be finished in 45 minutes by the students

- The students must finish this test in 45 minutes

17. We have been being taught math by Mr. Sus for three years

- Mr. Sus has been teaching math to us for three years

18. Will the coming UAN test be being faced by you in the month of April?

- Will you facing the coming UAN test in the month of April?

19. The vocabulary book should be submitted by us this morning

- We should submit the vocabulary book this morning

20. Batik shirts must be worn by the students on Friday

- The students must wear batik shirts on Friday


21. Mr. Fajar is showing us his new blog

- We were being shown his new blog

- His new blog is being shown to us.

22. They will be asking her several questions

- She will be being asked several questions by them

- Several questions will be being asked to her

23. Mrs. Nanik has been reading them another story

- They have been being read another story by Mrs. Nanik

- Another story has been being read to them

24. Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes?

- Is the new law of Archimedes told you?

- Are you told the new law of Archimedes?

25. We should have given him our new projects before he came here

- He should have been given our new projects before he came here

- Our new projects should have been given to him before he came here



1. Mrs K asked them to pay the school fee in time.

Ø They were asked to pay the school fee in time

2. Should we do the remedial test in a piece paper.

Ø Should the remedial test be done in a piece paper.

3. You must not forget to write your name.

Ø Your name must not be forgotten to write.

4. Are you speaking English during the English class?

Ø Is English being spoken during the English class?

5. She crossed the answers several times

Ø The answers were crossed several times.

6. We have finished doing our tash before other students.

Ø Our task has been finished doing before other students.

7. Will you be waiting for them all day long?

Ø Will they be being waited for all day long.

8. We celebrate the 47th anniversary of our school yesterday.

Ø The 47th anniversary our scool was celebrated yesterday.

9. They were having dinner when suddenly the stove exploded.

Ø Dinner was being had when suddenly the stove exploded.

10. The teacher had punished them for something they did not do.

Ø They had been punisshed for something they did not do.


11. We are invited for lunch by the headmaster.

Ø The Headmaster invites us for lunch.

12. Many students are being given the English remedial test by Mr. T.

Ø Mr. T is giving many the students the English remedial test.

13. Was English being studied diligently by them last night?

Ø Were they studying English diligently last night?

14. This test has been being finished in 45 minutes by the sudents.

Ø The students heve been finishing this test in 45 minutes.

15. Have they been being taught meth by Mr. Good for three years?

Ø Has Mr. Good been teaching them math for three years.


16. Has Mr. Fajar been showing them his new blog?

Ø Have they been being shown his his new blog?

Ø Has his new blog been being shown to them.

17. They do not ask her several questions.

Ø She is not asked several questions.

Ø Several questions are not asked to her.

18. Has Mrs.Nanik been reading us another story?

Ø Have we been being read another story?

Ø Has another story been being read to us/

19. Didn’t bbhe tell you the school regulation?

Ø Weren’t you told the school regulation?

Ø Wasn’t the school regulation told to you?

20. We were introducing him our pretty sister last night.

Ø He was eing introduced to our pretty sister las night

Ø Our pretty sister were being introduced to him last night.